Saturday, April 14, 2007

Higher Self

SG says to "say this every day for protection, strength and blessing, as when your light begins to shine brighter as you heal and it attracts the dark spirits which come to steal it. Saying this every day strengthens one spiritually to be happy and peaceful all throughout the day." She also bought me the book Deepak Chopra's "Seven Steps to Spiritual Success" which I'll pick up when we both get back to Pana. Great! (actually written 4/14/2008, posted 2007)

“Higher Self”

My Beloved Higher Self,
I begin with
a deep inner recognition,
acknowledgment, and
acceptance of you,
My Higher Self.

My Higher Self is
the Life,
Love, and
that gives me the ability
to embody and create
in this physical world.

I pour forth my Love
to my Beloved Higher Self
in deep gratitude
for the Gift of Life
she has given me.

I acknowledge my oneness
with my Higher Self
and that She is the Real me,
a Being of Perfection
in Her own Higher Realm
that has placed
Her Eternal Flame of Life
within me.

I acknowledge that
I am the authority
through free will
as to what I experience.

My Beloved Higher Self,
enfold me now
in a sphere of White Light.

Hold it around me
so powerfully that
no discord can get through.

See that it makes me
invincible, and
to the discord in this world
and forever sensitive
to the Promptings and Guidance
You offer me each day.

See that It is Eternally Sustained
and held ever-expanding around me.
I thank you and love you and bless you.

Hold your Love
in all the things I do this day.

Add Your Love
to all the physical service
that I render.

Let my outer self be
a Source of your Presence
here in this world each day.

Thank You
Thank You
Thank You
Wishing you Tons of Happiness and Great Health, S.G. 4.14.08

david santos said...

Happy day
June 17, 2008 6:48 AM

catherine todd said...

Dear David, thank you for your comment. I just saw it today. It's a wonderful prayer, isn't it?
June 30, 2008 7:56 PM

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